The difference between the missing and the absent in Islamic jurisprudence and the law:
First – The Missing: He is the person whom news is not known and his place of residence is unknown
In the same sense, the Syrian Personal Status Law mentions on Article 202 that the missing person is every person we do not know whether he is alive or not or could be alive but we do not know where he is
Second – the absent: he is the person who is absent from his family, allowing the wife to submit a lawsuit to the judge for not spending on her, and the place of the absentee is often known
As for the absentee in the Syrian Personal Status Law, according to Article / 203 /: He is the person whose compelling circumstances prevented him from returning to his place, or managing his affairs by himself for a period of more than a year and his interests and the interests of others were disrupted, and also who was sentenced to imprisonment for more than three years is also considered absent
Thus, the difference between the missing and the absent becomes clear that the missing is unaccounted, while the absent is alive
Both loss and absence have special provisions in terms of the date of judgment or the implications of each of them