جمعية مستقلة غير حكومية تسعى إلى نشر الوعي و تقديم الاستشارات و تعزيز سيادة القانون للوصول الى مجتمع ديمقراطي حر تسوده العدالة و المساواة تأسست على يد خبراء واكاديميين و نشطاء سوريين مطلع عام 2013 و مسجلة بشكل قانوني في تركيا
The parties to the contract (lessor and lessee) with detailed description of their identity.
Description of the landlord’s status, is he an owner or an authorized agent?
A description of the leased property: It is a two-room apartment and …
The purpose of the lease: for housing or commercial use.
Lease Term: The lease term is one year, starting from the date until the date.
Rent allowance: The amount of the monthly rent.
The lessor’s obligations: One of the most important is: enabling the tenant to benefit from the leased property and hand over the leased property
Tenant obligations: Pay the rent, keep the leased property, adhere to the purpose of the lease, and return the leased property at the end of the contract in the state it was in when the contract was concluded.