What does a woman who customarily married do when her husband died or got divorced?
First – In the event of a divorce:
The woman submits a petition requesting that she wants to confirm her marriage, establish the proportions of her children, and establish her divorce in the face of her ex-husband, and if the defendant does not exist, the woman can ask the court to inform him on his last domicile and in the court bulletin board, and the estimate of accepting or rejecting this request returns to the court
Second – In the event of the husband’s death:
- Registration of the death incident on the husband’s registration in the Civil Registry
- Determination of Inheritance
- Then the woman will file a lawsuit to confirm the marriage and fix the children’s proportions in the face of one of the deceased husband’s parents, or in the face of one of his brothers who are present when one of his parents cannot be found, and marriage will be confirmed by witnesses
After a decision is issued by the court to confirm the marriage and the filiation, the wife takes a certified copy of that decision to the husband’s civil registry secretariat
And if the decision cannot be registered in the husband’s Civil Registry Secretariat, the woman can register the decision in a special registry at the Registry’s Secretariat within the region where she resides